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Course Content

Part 1: Introduction to Robotics Control
09/03/2024 (Tue)Class 1: Introduction to the courseHW 1 Released
09/05/2024 (Thu)Tutorial 1: numpy/scipy, rover setup [Colab] [Colab with solutions]
09/10/2024 (Tue)Class 2: Optimization 101
09/12/2024 (Thu)Class 3: Gradient Descent
09/17/2024 (Tue)Tutorial 2: Rover Setup
09/19/2024 (Thu)Class 4: Supervised LearningHW 1 Due
09/24/2024 (Tue)Class 5: Rigid Body Transformations IHW 2 Released
09/26/2024 (Thu)Class 6: Rigid Body Transformations II
10/01/2024 (Tue)Class 7: Forward Kinematics
10/03/2024 (Thu)Class 8: Inverse KinematicsHW 2 Due
10/08/2024 (Tue)Class 9: Robot Dynamics & JacobianHW 3 Released
10/10/2024 (Thu)Tutorial 3: Coding Transforms [Colab]
10/15/2024 (Tue)NO CLASS
10/17/2024 (Thu)Tutorial 4: Coding Jacobians [Colab]
10/22/2024 (Tue)Guest Lecture: TBD
10/24/2024 (Thu)Class 10: Introduction to ControlHW 3 Due
10/29/2024 (Tue)Class 11: Linear Quadratic RegulatorsHW 4 Released
10/31/2024 (Thu)Class 12: Non-Linear Dynamics and LQR Variants
Part 2: Sensing and Fusion
11/05/2024 (Tue)Class 13: Robot Sensing
11/07/2024 (Thu)Tutorial 5: Coding LQRs [Colab]
11/12/2024 (Tue)Class 14: Introduction to filtering: Kalman Filters, Extended Kalman FiltersHW 4 Due
11/14/2024 (Thu)Irmak Güzey: Tactile Sensing for Robotic Manipulation
Part 3: Planning
11/19/2024 (Tue)Class 15: Filtering (continued), Planning and Configuration SpacesHW 5 Released
11/21/2024 (Thu)Class 16: Filtering (continued), Graph Search AlgorithmsHW 6 Released
11/26/2024 (Tue)Class 17: Heuristic Planning and Sample-Based Planners
Part 4: Advanced Topics
12/03/2024 (Tue)Class 18: Computer Vision for RoboticsHW 5 Due
12/05/2024 (Thu)Mahi Shafiullah: Home Robotics
12/10/2024 (Tue)Class 20: Imitation Learning
12/12/2024 (Thu)Gaoyue Zhou: World Models for RoboticsHW 6 Due
  1. MIT OCW Introduction to Robotics
  2. UW Mobile Robots
  3. MLS textbook
  4. Kris Hauser's Robotic Systems draft
  5. Linux shell and toolchain: The Missing Semester of Your CS Education