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Assignment Structure

Each homework will comprise of an approximate mix of 50% written questions and 50% coding questions. The written portion of the assignment will be submitted in a Google Form (resubmittable till the due date of the respective assignments). The coding portion will have to be completed in the iPython notebook provided.


The assignments will be released on Campuswire.

AssignmentRelease DateDue Date
HW 1: Math Foundations for MLSeptember 6September 20
HW 2: Linear RegularizationSeptember 20October 4
HW 3: Support Vector MachinesOctober 4October 18
HW 4: Random ForestsOctober 18November 3
HW 5: Convolutional Neural NetworksNovember 3November 17
HW 6: Dimensionality ReductionNovember 17December 1

Collaboration Policy

The work you submit for assignments is expected to be entirely your own without collaboration. For the assignments, we will use a “mission command” approach. This means that we will tell you what we want you to do, not how. It is known to foster creative problem solving skills. In practice, this means that you can solve the problems using any means at your disposal (if you are comfortable with them) in addition to those taught in this class.